Starka partnerskap för smidiga integrationer mellan Cirrus CRM och ledande affärssystem
På Cirrus CRM är vi stolta över vårt långvariga samarbete med IT-stöd, en erfaren och pålitlig partner som hjälper oss…
Care of — CRM för etablerade företag i traditionella branscher. Vår kund är etablerade företag med ett väl fungerande och beprövat erbjudande. Man verkar på en traditionell marknad där hög personlig närvaro påverkar såväl utfallet av affärerna som den långsiktiga relationen till sina många återköpande kunder. Cirrus CRM har ett modernt och användarvänligt uttryck som tar sitt avstamp i att digitalisera nyss nämnda bolag. Fokus är att förenkla vardagen och möjliggöra en förflyttning in i ett modernt och beprövat sätt att hantera kundrelationer. Genom att tillhandahålla relevant information, överallt, säkras att rätt insatser sker vid rätt tillfälle. Enkelheten skapar såväl ambassadörer för Cirrus CRM som välmående företag på lång sikt.
Anything that makes you uncomfortable helps you grow. Unfortunately, there are no shortcuts. The only way to rid you of your fears is to do it over and over again.
Script out your entire call. This will also help you if you are nervous. A script will help you stay on course and not go off grid and will save you time. When you have your script down, record yourself reading it out loud, listen to it and memorize it. By doing this you will learn how to put your personal touch to it, so it doesn’t sound like a monologue. Your script is always a work in progress and if you don’t revise it every now and again, it can become outdated. Set aside 30 – 60 min each month to go over your script with your sales team so you always stay relevant.
Do not try to sell anything. The purpose of your call is to show them what YOU can help them with, not how THEY can help you by buying your product. You are looking to add value to their business.
You have nothing to lose making cold calls so taking risks will eventually get you that meeting.
Focus on their challenges and problems. Ask them what their goals are and how you can add value to their business. Nothing will make your prospect lose interest in you faster than spending the first minute of the phone call telling them about you, your company and what you’re selling.
If you know what you sound like, you know what your prospects are hearing. It’s not until you hear yourself that you really realize how you sound. How many “uuh’s” and “ehm’s” you say, if you stutter, talk too fast or too slow, if you’re too quiet or too loud. You’ll be surprised at how effective listening to your phone calls actually is!
Practice! No actor gets good at acting without practicing their lines. You are no different. In order to get good and comfortable, you need to practice. A really good tip is to take 30 min every morning to practice old calls with your fellow sales reps. Practice how to response to objections and get in the sales call spirit for the day. Just like any athlete warming up for a big game, this is a great warm up guaranteed to get you pumped for the day!
Always follow up every phone call. You can follow up even if they say no. Their no may not be permanent. Inform them you’ll check in again in let’s say 6 months to see if their business plans have changed. Never end a call without a ‘next step’, that being booking a follow up call, meeting or other type of contact before hanging up.
– Most likely it will go in the trash.
– Your personality doesn’t come through.
– It will give them a chance to decide not hearing what you have to say.
– Your voicemail will most likely be one in many and the chance they choose to listen to yours is slim.
If you have to leave a voice mail, keep it short and sweet, 10-20 seconds max. Remember that you have to sell the meeting before you can sell your product, so avoid talking about what it is you sell. Make sure you add value and tell them the benefits of calling you back, a “cliff hanger” if you will.
By standing up with good posture and a smile, you will sound much more confident and appealing to your prospect than if you were to sit down leaning on your desk. Record yourself doing both and I’ll guarantee you hear a big difference. Body language is more important than you think when it comes to phone calls.
På Cirrus CRM är vi stolta över vårt långvariga samarbete med IT-stöd, en erfaren och pålitlig partner som hjälper oss…
Har du någonsin undrat om du verkligen får ut allt ditt CRM kan erbjuda? Många företag använder sina CRM-system på…