Så påverkas människorna i företagets digitala transformation
I en tid där företag i allt högre grad rör sig mot digital transformation, spelar personerna bakom dessa initiativ en…
Care of — CRM för etablerade företag i traditionella branscher. Vår kund är etablerade företag med ett väl fungerande och beprövat erbjudande. Man verkar på en traditionell marknad där hög personlig närvaro påverkar såväl utfallet av affärerna som den långsiktiga relationen till sina många återköpande kunder. Cirrus CRM har ett modernt och användarvänligt uttryck som tar sitt avstamp i att digitalisera nyss nämnda bolag. Fokus är att förenkla vardagen och möjliggöra en förflyttning in i ett modernt och beprövat sätt att hantera kundrelationer. Genom att tillhandahålla relevant information, överallt, säkras att rätt insatser sker vid rätt tillfälle. Enkelheten skapar såväl ambassadörer för Cirrus CRM som välmående företag på lång sikt.
It is important to get to know your customers on an emotional level, because customers at the end of the day are people and people buy with their hearts. So, the actual product or service you’re selling is not as important as you may think.
Simon Sinek said it best in one of the most viewed ever TED-talks:
“People don’t buy what you do; they buy why you do it. And what you do simply proves what you believe”
Businesses managing to get closer to their customers are really good at a few things:
These things may seem simple, but they are not as easy as they sound.
Check out below 4 tips to help you warm up your customer relationships.
With the help of a CRM which uses automatic workflows such as reminding you every 3 months to get in contact with your customers. By being consistent in your communication with them, you gain rapport and earn their trust. They will start feeling like you are reliable and feel like they can come to you if they have any concerns.
Don’t yet have a CRM? Book a free trial or demo here!
Maintaining a relationship with a customer doesn’t only mean only nurturing the relationship with the CEO or Manager. You have to retain rapport with every member of the team. It only takes one bad experience with a member of the team to make them look for service somewhere else.
Make it clear to your customer that they’ve made a positive impact on your life/in your business
Make them feel valued with positive reinforcements such as a reward program or simply an email thanking them for their business. This not only makes them feel happy and valued, it also impacts your business in a positive way.
Why not hand-write letters every now and then? It creates a personal touch to your standard digital communication and shows you put down time and effort.
As a business dealing with people, you need to have a user friendly support which is easy to access. Be available for your clientele on different channels so they don’t have to actively search for a way to contact you.
When a customer gets in contact with you, it’s important to listen and create the space for them to speak their mind. This will make them feel validated and valued.
Visit them regularly, if not in person, video conference or schedule a phone call.
Maintaining great relationships is not only for salespeople. It goes for any department in your business whether you’re in customer service, sales, project management or marketing.
I en tid där företag i allt högre grad rör sig mot digital transformation, spelar personerna bakom dessa initiativ en…
Det finns många som är skeptiska till att använda ett CRM-system. De menar att systemet tar tid från försäljningen, eller…