Så påverkas människorna i företagets digitala transformation
I en tid där företag i allt högre grad rör sig mot digital transformation, spelar personerna bakom dessa initiativ en…
Care of — CRM för etablerade företag i traditionella branscher. Vår kund är etablerade företag med ett väl fungerande och beprövat erbjudande. Man verkar på en traditionell marknad där hög personlig närvaro påverkar såväl utfallet av affärerna som den långsiktiga relationen till sina många återköpande kunder. Cirrus CRM har ett modernt och användarvänligt uttryck som tar sitt avstamp i att digitalisera nyss nämnda bolag. Fokus är att förenkla vardagen och möjliggöra en förflyttning in i ett modernt och beprövat sätt att hantera kundrelationer. Genom att tillhandahålla relevant information, överallt, säkras att rätt insatser sker vid rätt tillfälle. Enkelheten skapar såväl ambassadörer för Cirrus CRM som välmående företag på lång sikt.
And what does that mean? You will have a wide range of possible industries to work within. Also, if you feel like you’ve chosen the wrong industry at first, you can change whenever. And if you feel like sales isn’t the right thing for you – experience in sales is highly appreciated in several industries.
A salesperson has a role that can make a considerable impact almost right from the very start. The sales team together with the marketing team is in the front line of promoting a company’s product or service – doing this job well will impact the whole company right away.
This profession can be very rewarding if you do it well. It’s common to have commission salary in sales – commission salary means that you can affect your salary with your performance. The more you sell, the bigger your salary. Additionally, there are few roles that a whole company celebrates as frequently as with sales. Be prepared for a big applause when you close a big deal!
When in sales, you’ll meet lots and lots of people. In different professions, companies and with different challenges. Invest time and effort in becoming great at building long-lasting business relationships. Those relationships may be worth more that you can ever imagine, and they will be useful wherever you decide to go with you career.
There are many ways to make a career in sales.
Maybe you want to advance from New Business Sales to Account Management, or from Account Management to Key Account Management? Or why not aim for the next Team Leader or Sales Manager? Remember – we’re all newbies in the beginning. Your career lies in your hands.
You are the only one in charge of your future. Sales is a great place to be in if you are in for advancement during your career.
You may be doing the same tasks in sales, like prospecting, cold calling and host meetings, but the conversations are always different. When working in sales you will soon notice that even though companies are in the same industry, they are all facing different challenges they need help tackling. And they are probably aiming for different goals too! So, if you’re into helping other people find great solutions to their problems – sales may be the perfect career for you.
One of the most substantial parts of any job is communication. Working in sales means you’ll continuously have to improve your communication skills. Learning how to read between the lines and understand what a person means with what they’re saying will help you succeed in this profession. Each day as a salesperson contains a new lesson in communication.
Additinally, having good communication skills will help you in a lot of situations through life.
To sum it all up, a master of communication is often a skillful salesperson.
I en tid där företag i allt högre grad rör sig mot digital transformation, spelar personerna bakom dessa initiativ en…
Det finns många som är skeptiska till att använda ett CRM-system. De menar att systemet tar tid från försäljningen, eller…