Expand list views
As requested by many users, we have now made it so that you can easily expand the view of any list in Cirrus, so that you can view more than one or two rows at the time. This is especially useful for users with smaller screens.
Care of — CRM för etablerade företag i traditionella branscher. Vår kund är etablerade företag med ett väl fungerande och beprövat erbjudande. Man verkar på en traditionell marknad där hög personlig närvaro påverkar såväl utfallet av affärerna som den långsiktiga relationen till sina många återköpande kunder. Cirrus CRM har ett modernt och användarvänligt uttryck som tar sitt avstamp i att digitalisera nyss nämnda bolag. Fokus är att förenkla vardagen och möjliggöra en förflyttning in i ett modernt och beprövat sätt att hantera kundrelationer. Genom att tillhandahålla relevant information, överallt, säkras att rätt insatser sker vid rätt tillfälle. Enkelheten skapar såväl ambassadörer för Cirrus CRM som välmående företag på lång sikt.
In this update we’re introducing some new features, enhancements and more. Questions? Feel free to send us a message in our chat or email customercare@careofcrm.com
As requested by many users, we have now made it so that you can easily expand the view of any list in Cirrus, so that you can view more than one or two rows at the time. This is especially useful for users with smaller screens.
Now you don’t have to add activities one by one any longer. This new feature allows you to select multiple contacts and create the same type of activity for all of them individually. This is a massive time saver!
We have added a few new very useful filters.
Instead of only being able to view opportunity statistics on the dashboard, you can now switch to order statistics instead.
Settings -> My account -> Dashboard/Statistics
We’ve combined the overview of budget and goals on the dashboard into one. We now call it My X Goals and you can find it where the Budget info was before.
We have created a shortcut from the order tab on account view to the sales analysis so you quick and easy can get an overview of the sales statistic for that account. Click the gear symbol and click on Analyze.
Keeping track of your goals are now easier with the new Sort-by function. This is especially helpful for team leaders and sales managers with lots of different goals set for their teams.
Now you can view the statistics of all your KPI’s by clicking on it. This will take you straight to one of the analyses.
Do you have any questions about the release? Feel free tro reach out, we’re more than happy to help.